** Don't let anyone take away your sparkle **

I have always been Superwoman
At least that was what everyone thought..
 I never thought much about my energy level since I had to juggle work, single motherhood, school. 
Than my father said one day that if he owned a business he would make me CEO.
I was organized, never tired and I just was that type A woman.

Than after my last cancer surgery I lost my energy.  I lost my appetite.  I couldn't sleep well.
I have been trying to figure out why with my doctors.
Fibromyalgia, anemia,. I just thought it is something else. I didn't give up
I barely made it through the day..oh it must be depression.  All the diagnoses and pills and still I didn't feel like me.
I knew that my energy was gone but also I didn't feel happy and I was always irritable.
Finally I walked to my car last Friday and could barely make it out the door.
I was pale and my eyes were blurry. 
Driving was concerning. I just had to have some answers. 
I have been too tired to shop! I actually ordered my groceries and picked them up at the curb.
How was this possible?
I had been clutching my throat thinking for the last few months for some reason 
I got to my doctor's office and they said your appointment isn't until Tuesday.
I said please look at my face ...I  need blood work now.  My doctor had already ordered them
On Monday I got a call from my PCP.  I knew from the past when the doctor calls you listen.
The first thing she asked me was how I was feeling. I said lousy, really tired..
Than I heard what I have been trying to determine , a true diagnosis.
Do you have heart palpitations she asked..I said yes I do 
I heard her say that is because you have a hyperthyroid condition.
I slid off my bed and started to cry. Finally a disease that explains all my symptoms.
I have apparently had a low TSH for five years! 
I want everyone to know that stress can bring on a myriad of complications including medical and emotional.  I know that I have been half dead with exhaus since 2009.
I have been to so many doctors and hospitals telling them how sick I feel.
At last an answer.
I plead with all of you to listen to your bodies.  That is why I was clutching my throat and I didn't know why?  Amazing how our bodies tell us what is wrong.
 I have opted to stay on medication for a month and than have my blood rechecked.  I might be faced with surgery again.   
When you are hurting and exhausted all the time there has to be a reason.  Do not give up !
If you are tired and irritable, exhausted and losing weight, have your thyroid checked.
I have been sick since 2009.
Finally there is a diagnosis and a plan.
 I fell through the cracks even when I was tested over and over.  
I thought I am not imagining this!
I am still in shock that I knew that my body was fighting something.

My Dad said Never give up until you have answers.
Thank you Dad.
I want to fly through the air again. I can't wait to run around Italy in a few months.
Never Give Up. 
I fell through the cracks even when I was tested .
I was forgotten for five years.


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