The Scent of Cherry Tobacco


My sister and brother need to understand we are related.  I have not received one item from my mother and father’s estate that I was promised. They took everything ?! Even what was mine.  Problem is they scammed my mother.  I had my NY attorney  come to the condo and read the papers that my aunt and my brother wrote out that my mom signed. She had no understanding of what she signed. My attorney said we can fight for my rights. No, I’m just here to tell the truth. When my attorney explained changed  papers my mother yelled “no I don’t want that”. What did the papers say? To summarize, that they could at anytime take everything she owned. Yes,  her money, her car, her condo and throw her in a nursing home and that’s just what they did . My father knew that I was the responsible one, I took care of him and my mom for years, so  that’s why he gifted the house I was living in.  I am angry they put my mother in a nursing home .  I remember my mother’s face when he read her the revised  papers . I was right across the table from her and she was shocked. So my family needs to understand that I’m not going away. I’m part of the family too.  They took all three ships, one of them was supposed to be mine. They changed all of my fathers will. Yes that’s the God’s honest truth. And my daughter and son won’t talk to me. Well Everest, my grandson, is going to be able to Google my name and see who I am because Cara just cut me off without an explanation and I had developed a relationship with him via Skype.  Shame on all of them. I want everyone to see this. What really upsets me the most is that my father left her more than ample money, ( I have copies of all her assets )  to pay the long-term care insurance and yes they had long-term care. I went to that nursing home and it was disgusting and smelled like urine. That’s where they put my mother. I’m done . My attorney could also acknowledge that. And I’m also going to put this on my blog. What do I want?  what my father left me.  Yes,  my mother’s ashes would be nice since my daughter said there were three urns . I wish I could have attended mom’s funeral but my eye surgery was on that day. I waited eight months to have the surgery.  I always tell the truth, even if it isn’t what people want to hear.


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