~Still The World Turns~
As the world turns
The domino effect is felt so close
This surreal idiot can’t help but gloat
Line up and take your chance
After all the world is quite entranced
babies are born and firefighters die
Planes are hijacked encircling the sky
While the flames continue to climb high
Still the world turns
Tornadoes form while floods climb high
It keeps our Wall Street still alive
Exports, imports all awry
Immigrants hear their babies cry
And still the world turns
Build the wall
Arm our teachers
Could this world get any bleaker
As the world turns
Farmers cry for retribution
While leaders hide from contributions
But still the world turns
Beat the odds and play to win
As Vegas flourishes in sin
Putin wears his mask so well
While 45 will kiss and tell
The lies the pain we all endure
Because we are all still at war
And still the world turns
As strawberry fields still sings its song
Where did we all go all so wrong
And still the world turns
____Stephanie Mastini