Now This ❣️
I really don’t even know how to truly express this new medical diagnosis. I’ve just been told that I have a rare and serious condition
After many years of developing polyps in my colon my doctor has now told me I need a partial colectomy. I have maneuvered through medical files and seen photos of the hundred plus polyps I have. They developed in less than six months. This is a condition called familial adenoma polyposis (FAP). It is usually genetic . Especially from parent to child. I am still alone with this news. . The only way to prevent inevitable Colon cancer is to have the colon removed. I have over 90% chance of developing colon cancer without the surgery.
I tried very hard to get a hold of my daughter, Cara Podenski in Seattle to Tell her about the surgery and the fact that it’s genetic . It’s a shame my daughter didn’t think it was important enough to have a phone call.
Genetic testing isn’t always 100% but when you have such a large number of polyps it is impossible to remove all of them. The only safe way of dealing with this disease is a colectomy .
My oncologist simply said, would I rather have chemo .
There’s no cure, the earlier you find it the better. There are no medications for it except an experimental one that reduces polyps but doesn’t prevent cancerous polyps. It hasn’t shown brilliant results.
FAP usually presents itself very early . I hate to think I passed it on to my descendants including my grandson. I just hope my children takes this seriously.
This is a five hour major surgery and a very long rehabilitation. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’m going to get through this too. ****