Silicone implants CAN leak, seep or rupture.
Regrettably I don't know how but discovered today that my blog has been tampered with and this post and one other are gone. I will attempt to recant my ordeal and the sadness that comes with the realization that once again I had to undergo major surgery ...It happened slowly in Washington State in 2009 believe it or not..I started seeping silicone through the outer layer of the Mentor implants. I recall asking my oncologist to check me out over and over and numerous ultra sounds were done but nothing was found because of the testing technique. Finally over a year later of constant uncomfortable sound in the back of my head saying keep pushing..there is something wrong. When I moved to GA I found a surgeon that almost seemed that she was pacifying me by allowing me after undergoing another ultra sound, that maybe there was something to this dark gloom that I kept feeling. I honestly don't know how I knew but I...