My mother could sing ..
No one prepared me for my mother's death. My sister and brother don’t communicate. So just now when I got the winning last question On jeopardy I just lost it. I remember the usual nights at my parents. Jeopardy was watched as we ate dinner and how proud they were of me as I answered many of the questions . . I need closure of some kind. Why is this happening? I suddenly burst out in tears . The last year's of my father's life I spent every possible day with them. My mom was a smart woman, and she wasn’t a vain woman. She made allot of children very happy as a teacher’s aide. Where is a Mass card? I never even got one of the promised last remains. My daughter told me there were three containers for her children. Tears again ... just thinking of that moment I last saw her at the door saying goodbye after I had spent a month with her in 2011. I was really happy I spent that time with her. She was a s...