~Meet my warrior angel Jamie~
I started this blog to inform and provide wigs to women that were going through chemo and just could not afford one. Jamie is strong in her mind and fighting ovarian cancer now. I sent her the wig you see her in. I have never met her but I know her through social media. This makes me happy. I wish I could do more but, I too struggle financially. That will never stop me from helping women like Jamie. She is a fighter and her smile always has a place in my heart. She wrote me how much she loved the wig. This is who I am. I have done this many times but never put a face to who I have helped, Jamie is the exception because she embodies everything I stand for in my life. I hope to be doing this for the rest of my life. The whole reason I started this blog was to inform others and tell my journey through breast cancer twice. I had to fight my way back when I discovered I had to have a double mastectomy in 2008. The...